Blog Articles by SWAT_OP-R8R

    General information

    Ivara is best described as stealth Warframe.

    She can cloak, she can do stealth kills with her arrows and she can put enemies to sleep. Of course she has a few more tricks available but I personally do not really care about that.

    I use Ivara almost exclusively for two tasks. Animal captures on the open worlds and grinding the daily standing for Cephelon Simaris.

    Animal captures work pretty well because the animals won't see you when being cloaked and the sleep arrow can capture even larger groups of animals with just one shot.

    Being cloaked also is very beneficial when trying to get your daily standing for Cephelon Simaris since you can load into an exterminate mission and scan the enemies before you stealth kill them. One mission is enough to reach the daily limit.

    Note: The amount of standing you get per scan depends on the

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    General Information

    Hydroid is best at area defense and offers the option of getting 100% extra loot from dying enemies.

    He is not easy to use and requires some knowledge and if possible access to the Magus Anomaly Arcane aswell as the Pilfering Swarm Augment in order to be used effectively.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Hydroid's melee slam attacks have a 50% chance to spawn a Tentacle that lasts for 15 seconds. The tentacle seeks nearby enemies to grab and thrash them, dealing True damage per second, bypassing armor.

    Ability 2 - Tidal Surge

    Crash through enemies in a ferocious wall of water.

    Ability 1 - Tempest Barrage

    Target an area and call down a barrage of liquid fury. Charge this attack to increase the lethality of the onslaught.

    Ability 3 - Undertow

    Become a water trap and drown unsuspecting enemies.

    Ability 4 - Tentacle Swarm

    Tap to spawn

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    General Information

    Zephyr not long ago received an update and is meanwhile a really good Warframe.

    Her defensive abilities can maker her almost invulnerable to projectiles.

    She moves very fast using her Tail Wind ability, which makes her fly for a short duration.

    Her damage dealing ability is very strong and good choice for high level defense missions.

    The Passive ability is an highlight that should not be ignored as it increases the critical chance of your weapons when airborne.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Zephyr is lighter than other frames which changes her airborne physics.

    She also has a multiplicative 150% critical chance bonus on all equipped weapons based on the critical chance after being modded. This however only works when being airborne.

    Ability 2 - Airburst

    Launch a burst of massively dense air. Hold to send enemies flying, tap

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    General Information

    Wukong truly is the monkey king in Warframe.

    His passive makes him almost impossible to kill. Actually it prevents him from dying three times per mission and buffing him afterwards.

    He can use his Celestial Twin specter to "double" the damage you can do.

    He can create insanely high armor values and he can heal very fast when required.

    And yes, my Wukong has wings. I always wanted a monkey with wings. ;)

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Wukong can avoid death 3 times per mission using his five techniques. Randomly 3 of them will be choosen which avoids him bleeding out and restores 50% health.

    - primal forces: 300% elemental damage for 60 seconds

    - heavenly cloak: invisible for 30 seconds

    - cosmic armor: invulneratble for 30 seconds

    - monkey luck: killed enemies drop extra loot for 60 seconds

    - sly alchemy: collected orbs are 4x

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    General Information

    By many players Volt is considered an excellent Warframe, especially for Eidolon hunting.

    He has some unique benefits such as being able to increase his speed and that of other players and he can use shields to protect certain areas. He even can carry this shield as personal protection.

    Volt is the top choice for Eidolon hunting since shields can amplify the damage done. He is good at crowd control, but his abilities in regular gameplay on high difficulties are not strong enough to clear the map (on lower difficulties this works perfectly fine). He is good at focus farming on Elite Sanctuary Onslaught but on Steel Path and Arbitrations the damage output of his abilities is not high enough to kill enemies. He is still a good option for these high difficulties since his crowd control abilities

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    General Information

    Vauban is the King of Crowd Control.

    He can protect large areas and deal a significant amount of damage.

    However, Vauban is not easy to use.

    There are plenty of Ability Synergies you have to consider when using Vauban.

    He probably has more ability variations than any other Warframe in the game, which of course does not make the choice what to use an easy one.

    Abilities can be chained to make them more effective.

    The fact that casting some abilities requires holding the key while other abilities work best when being tapped can be a bit confusing somethimes.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Vauban inflicts 25% extra damage with his weapons and abilities, against enemies that are incapacitated and unable to move.

    Ability 3 - Photon Strike

    Drop a targeting beacon that calls in a devastating laser artillery strike.

    Ability 1 - Tesla

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    General Information

    Titania is one of the fastest Warframes in the game.

    The playstyle is similar to using an Archwing. Titania can fly and has two special weapons she can use while flying.

    She is very fun to play and allows the completion of certain mission types ultra fast.

    You might need some practice due to the increased speed, it takes some time to get used to that.

    She has some very good damage reduction while flying and barely ever takes damage due to her speed.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    +25% Bullet Jump and Rolling distance.

    Casting her abilities rejuvenates Titania and her allies within 15 meters, granting them the Upsurge buff which regenerates 4 Health points per second for 20 seconds.

    Ability 2 - Tribute

    Cycle through and extract one of the four Buffs when cast on an enemy. Thorns reduces incoming damage. Dust degrades enemy

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    General Information

    Saryn most definitely is one of the most powerful Warframes in the game.

    Her damage dealing abilities are superior to most other Warframes and make her a good choice for high level content such as Steel Path and Arbitrations.

    However, I think Saryn shines most in Elite Sanctuary Onslaught since she can max out the daily Focus Points in 8-10 waves if you have a good focus lens equipped on her and her weapons.

    You can solo ESO or carry a group of weaker players in ESO with ease up to wave 11-12.

    Her survivability also is pretty good if modded correctly.

    Abilities (sort by usability)


    Status Effects inflicted by Saryn's weapons and abilities last 25% longer.

    This one actually is pretty cool since status has become much more useful a few months ago. An increase in status duration by 25% also increases the damage output of most

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    General Information

    Octavia is Warframes dancing queen.

    All her abilities are based on music, which allows a very high degree of customization. That also means that she is not so easy to setup and handle.

    She also might turn out to be a bit expensive if you go too deep into detail since instrument variations costs extra and only can be bought with platinum.

    Octavia draws all her power from the music created by her Mandachord, a music instrument you can freely config (if you are patient enough and willing to spend platinum on the already mentioned instrument variations).

    Alternatively you can go for the default song setting... which is fine.

    Custom songs can be created, stored and loaded from a playlist. Stored songs also can be played on your Orbiter radio.

    If used correctly Octavia can be one of the most powerful Warframes even on very high

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